Lóco Commodo literally "convenient place", was once the private office proceeds with infrastructure architecture in a main wall, in turn connected to a channel inside the sump below the so-called ... "butto", which, by gravity, in addition to receiving manure, all sorts of waste. the use of various devices "toilet" was already regulated in the ancient statue citizens (in Viterbo it is mentioned already in the middle of the thirteenth century).. It is clear that at the time, these facilities were required and have already made to 'act of domestic buildings to stem the outbreak of infections and epidemics (like the plague). The ancient name of "butto" is derived from the same act of "throwing". In fact, in it, as in our modern trash were thrown (even from the upper floors, through the appropriate channels hollowed in the load-bearing walls, called "channel", or other more imaginative solutions "trace"), including waste and scrap the kitchen, taking care to cover the stench of foul odors from underground storage dating back to the daily stream of ash produced by the always-lit fireplaces (both for heating in the winter, and for cooking throughout the year!).
Sometimes, in cases of infection or disease, was provided to these special disinfecting sanitation with the cast of lime in them or, in severe cases even abandonment by closing with the masonry of the same structure, though not yet full. Periodically, some of these wells for the collection, in order to avoid having to get more saturated because, were emptied of all content start, then dispersed in the surrounding countryside, even by way of fertilizer. During the seventeenth century. the need for realization of underground cellars in tuff below where rest the old medieval houses, with opportunistic approach were searched for existing sumps in order to limit the efforts of the excavation with the demolition of the same (they contain no aggregates were certainly the same compactness of stone!). So that, in some of these local wineries can, looking up to see unground (in succession) at the time intercepted. The only sad point: by stratigraphic analysis and findings documented has shown that in some wells were counted for collecting material deposited within even six, seven centuries, considering the depth of the same (on average oscillating between 4 and 6 / 7 meyti) try to make a comparison with the enormous waste dumps poison created in less than half a century, thanks to unbridled consumerism prevailing! ...